Edgewalker Training
Training Programs at the Intersection of Spirituality & Psychology
If you’re anything like me, you love to walk between worlds. You love the spiritual expansiveness you get to experience when in the forest, with a deep crew of friends, when praying in ceremony. You also love to be in the world. You want to crush it at your job. You want to be a reliable friend, father, partner, etc.
The challenge is living it all.
How do we root into our spiritual center while fully engaging in our worldly affairs?
This is my soul work. I pray to get to guide you in this practice.
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Signs that Edgewalker Training is for you:
You stand at a threshold and are contemplating a big transition in your life around job, partnership, purpose or identity.
You are repeatedly visited by the thoughts, “What the fuck am I doing?” or “I don’t want this,” first thing upon waking.
You are plagued by anxiety and oscillate between wanting to stay in bed or hit something.
You know you came here with a purpose, but damn if you’re living it on a daily basis.
You feel a pull in your gut, a knowing that how you’re living isn’t quite right, that something important was lost along the way, and you might not exactly know what it is.
Something on the horizon is calling you and you might not even know what it is.
You’re in pain, both physically and emotionally.
You have friends but often feel lonely or disconnected around them.
You’ve had spiritually elevated experiences but struggle to know how to integrate them into your daily life..
You are aware that resentment, jealousy, or rage are causing harm to you or those you love.
I got some good news for you…
None of this is a problem!
When you commit yourself to training and addressing the underlying issues causing the above symptoms you can absolutely expect:
More happiness
Happiness is something that we are all hungry for. And in training, in studying your inner landscape and the call of your soul you will without fail orient yourself onto the path of your happiness. This will happen in spurts at first but will become increasingly your new set point. Just as we expect the plant to grow from the seed planted in healthy soil and offered clean water and sunshine, so too is the inevitability of happiness blossoming in your life as you tend your inner garden.
More possibilities
Instead of seeing the closed door before you and collapsing or contorting into fear and anxiety, you will have cultivated the capacity to see the path that goes off to the right and around the dead end. What’s amazing is that you just couldn’t see it a moment ago. It didn’t exist to you. But now that you’re training your consciousness to hold a wider view you are able to see more. You are able to witness reality more on its terms rather than strictly through the myopic view of the the wounded inner child.
More love
Imagine sitting alone, resting in a chair with a delicious drink in your hand. Nobody is around. Nothing is being asked of you. No one is there to whom to direct your love. Yet you feel love. Undeniable love. Circulating through your body. Enlivening your flesh and tickling your skin. This is the love of Self that opens the doors for more intimacy with others, more connection with the natural world, and more surrender into the stream of cosmic love that is unceasingly flowing right towards you. You are the target of the biggest love EVER but… you have to train your consciousness, tune yourself to the frequency of that love in order to feel and know it.
More satisfaction
This is a deeply elevated state of consciousness. Satisfaction is the embodied recognition of enough. It is giving yourself permission to have what you have, to relish in the deliciousness of the moment. Not easily achieved, but transformative once tasted. Never again will the incessant longing for something else, anything else be so captivating. Never again will the illusion of something’s wrong be so consuming. Now the North Star of satisfaction will guide you to deeper and deeper satisfaction in your relationships, in your professional accomplishments, and inside your spiritual orientation.
Humble pie
As you wake up you will discover that the challenging feelings don’t go away. They will, as my and teacher George Bertelstein says, reduce in frequency, duration, and intensity. And when these resentments, fears or judgements bubble up, you get to enjoy a serving of humble pie. Delicious! This is a good thing, not a problem. It helps you remember and refocus on what’s important, why you’re training, what still needs to be addressed. It also helps you stay in touch with the enormity of suffering that our fellow humans are navigating every moment. It also gives you a glimpse into the suicidal behavior of our species as we continue to poison the planet. With this humble heart you can then move in the world with more compassion and kindness while being less interested in the distractions that attempts to pull you off your path.
Let’s get real for a moment about what can happen if you don’t address the life challenges before you:
More anxiety, more fear, more confusion, jealousy, etc.
A body that continues to communicate to you that something is wrong through inflammation, digestive discomfort, decreased mobility and general fatigue.
To feel regret and resentment that you didn’t do anything about that call you felt and the perennial dissatisfaction in your heart. This will lead to more of the same resentment, fear and confusion.
You may lose your job or significant relationships due to the fact that you’re no longer performing at a high level nor meeting the emotional needs of your beloveds.
Your life may become smaller and smaller as you disconnect and isolate so as not to feel the painful feelings of your suppressed inspiration.
“Happiness does not come from circumstances being the way you want them to be!”
Dr. Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith
The Edgewalker Training Programs
These extended private programs are designed to meet you where you’re at, whether you are just getting started or you’ve been on a the healing path for some time.
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45 Day Medicine Reboot
4 preparatory Internal Family Systems & spiritual coaching sessions
1 all day Medicine Ceremony with small group of other practitioners
2 integrative Internal Family Systems & spiritual coaching sessions
Optional Add-ons:
Divination session to invoke the support of your spiritual entourage
Prayer Walk to have spacious time in the woods together to invoke the spirit of the Wild and establish relationship with its wisdom
This series is ideal for individuals or small groups (families, partners, collaborators, etc.) wanting to deepen in intimacy with each other and understand the impact of their internal parts on the relationships.
3 Month Basic Training Program
Monthly Prayer Walks
Encounters in the woods where we take a life inventory, call in the new story, embody your prayers, and weave the spiritual with the practical
9 Internal Family Systems & spiritual coaching Sessions
Map out your inner world, practice internal family peacemaking, and discover the freedom of leading your life from Self rather than a wounded part
2 divination sessions
Ancestral support and lineage repair; calling in council with your spiritual entourage; clearing away of obstacles
Participation in Medicine Ceremonies with the 45-Day Medicine Reboot program (above) or 1 private Medicine Ceremony to conclude this chapter of our work
Unlimited phone and email support M-F, 10 - 6 pm
6 Month “New Life” Program
Everything in the 3 month program extended for 6 months
1 additional divination
an additional 9 IFS sessions
1 Weekend Retreat at Alexander’s home in Graton. Enjoy the spaciousness of the region, homemade and healthy cooking, nature adventures, prayer sessions and ceremony.
Participation in any appropriate group programs (online and in person) offered by Alexander
Ready to speak with your trainer?
Feeling ready to start?
Great! Here’s where we’ll begin:
There has to be time made for the relationship between you and your inner parts (all those voices and impulses that you wish would go away are parts trying to be heard), between you and nature, between you and spirit. These three categories or relationship, when tended honestly and regularly, create a very stable tripod to construct life upon. Without one of them your relationships, work life, physical health will suffer. This Relational Tripod is a key to unlocking personal power, capacities, talents and gifts.
Restarting or initiation a new habit can require a lot of energy at the onset. Once I started training my physical body, in only a short period of time, it started prompting me for movement. My body’s wisdom started requesting more movement and more variety of physical play. When you start making time and investing energy into PLAYING with spirit, LISTENING to your inner family system, ENJOYING nature time, your system will naturally begin to cue you on what is needed and what sounds fun.
One of the danger zones of the detox phase is the Quagmire of Doubt. This sludgy, gloomy and sometimes scary region of consciousness can really stir up hard feelings. “What the hell am I doing?” might arise. You also may feel cravings that you haven’t felt in a long time. It may feel like you’re going backwards. This is the way. Unplugging from habits that no longer serve you is one of the hardest parts of the journey. I don’t believe in the puritanical practices of some praying communities. I’m not interested in denying my body or my parts what they desire. I’m interested in profound aliveness, juiciness and a sensual connection with Life. Perseverance is needed at many points along the healing path and as you get started or return to yours, remember this and offer the doubting parts inside you compassion and care with the energy of perseverance.
Just like working our physical muscles requires periods of strain to break them down and periods of rest to allow the tissue to rebuild even stronger, so too does our muscle of faith require breakdown and rest, challenge and recovery. If you’ve never worked out at the gym before, buying a membership without a trainer is a recipe for frustration and failure. But with guidance, energy, perseverance and time, you will without fail build the faith required to step-fall into the unimaginably happy, fun, creative, connected and authentic life of your dreams. Without fail. It’s just how it works. Your job is to build an intelligent and wise faith. I’m not talking about blind faith.
I don’t know of a single damn illuminated master who didn’t have their teacher, guide or spiritual mentor. It seems to just be the way we humans work. We are mammals. We are communal animals. And the path towards healing apparently requires the support of another. Working with a mentor can support you in identifying and working with the protective programs still operating in your system. You’ll know you’ve found a solid mentor or teacher when they don’t tell you what to do or how to think, but offer you new ways of working with your inner landscape right along side kindness and care for you as a person.
I’m inviting you to train your consciousness so that you see the world in a new way and claim your spot at the table of healing, creativity, power, authenticity, happiness and courage. This, my friends is ancient technology applied to our modern lives.
Let’s get started
“My experience with Alex has truly been a blessing. I came to him asking for help with gaining a clearer vision for my life. He dug deep and helped me figure out what memories, experiences, thought patterns and beliefs were hindering me. He treated them with care and helped me to heal spiritually. Ever since my three month journey with him concluded, I have been able to strengthen and focus my prayers, vision the future with more clarity, and live with more love and compassion.”
—Daniel Reigel